All Flowers In Time
All flowers in time is collection of images aiming to describe the feelings of a specific time and place. Laytown the seaside village where I grew up in Co.Meath is a beautiful idyllic spot. Growing up here was like living in a playground with possibility. Now, living here in my 20’s that feeling has changed and shifted over time. The mid 20’s for a lot of us are a time promised to be full of exploration, fun, and finding oneself, but there is another as well. They can be wrought with feelings of isolation, stagnation and feeling lost on one’s trajectory in life. The series aims to portray this tension between feelings of isolation, loss and seperation and stagnation alongside a glimmer of hope for the future. The feelings portrayed in the series are as much about the feelings of the subjects themselves, as it is about my own feelings weaved into the photographs, some of the subjects acting as stand ins for myself.